Look at question 1-5. This is serious.
This kind of marriage is very common inMalaysia .
> Based on the statement below, the nikah is tak sah. Thus, it consider zina...Pls. pass to all your muslim friends.... If it is not too much to
> find out kesahihan Q2 & Q3... because
> many of Muslim actually get their children marry off once they know that their daughter is carrying an illegitimate child. A question was asked of the Imam recently, which raised many other questions.
This kind of marriage is very common in
> Based on the statement below, the nikah is tak sah. Thus, it consider zina...Pls. pass to all your muslim friends.... If it is not too much to
> find out kesahihan Q2 & Q3... because
> many of Muslim actually get their children marry off once they know that their daughter is carrying an illegitimate child. A question was asked of the Imam recently, which raised many other questions.
> I would like to share them with you, as they are very important:
> Question 1 : What is the correct thing to do when girl become pregnant outside of marriage?
> Answer 1 : She should not marry anyone until the baby is born.
> Question 1 : What is the correct thing to do when girl become pregnant outside of marriage?
> Answer 1 : She should not marry anyone until the baby is born.
> Question 2 : Assuming the father of the child wants to marry her, can he?
> Answer 2 : No, he cannot marry her, until the baby is born.
> Question 3 : Is the marriage valid if they did marry?
> Answer 3 : No, the marriage contract is invalid. A Muslim cannot marry a pregnant woman, even if he is the biological father.
*perkahwinan tidak sah kerana belum habis eddah*
> Question 4 : If they married, what should they do now to correct it?
> Answer 4 : They should separate. She should wait for confirm that she is not pregnant. They can then marry, as this will be! now a legal marriage by Islamic law.
*benar, perkahwinan tersebut (ketika wanita tersebut hamil) tidak sah dan perlu menikahi semula mengikut hukum*
> Question 5 : What if they don't correct it?
> Answer 5 : They will still living in a relationship of Zina as the Marriage contract is not valid.
* benar, perkahwinan yg tidak sah adalah haram dan hukum etika "bersama" suami isteri adalah seperti berzina
> Question 6 : What are the rights of the child that was conceived Outsidemarriage?
> Answer 6 : According to the scholars, the child is not the father by Islamic law. Hence, the child cannot inherit from the rights over the child. The child also has no rights over the father.
*benar. anak luar nikah tidak mendapat hak yg sama seperti anak yang halal. malah biological father kepada anak tersebut tidak boleh mewalikan anaknya walaupun telah menikahi ibu kepada anak tersebut*
> Question 7 : If you say that the father is not the father by Islamic law, does that mean he cannot be the mahram of his own biological daughter?
> Answer 7 : Yes, he cannot be her mahram. *benar*
> Question 8 : A Muslim man and a Muslim (or Non-Muslim) woman decides to get married after having lived together, how should they go about it?
> Answer 8 : They must separate immediately and the woman must wait for one menstrual cycle (to prove she is not pregnant), before they can enter into a Marriage contract. *benar*
> Question 9 : If I know someone that is in this situation, should I tell them about what I have learnt or is it none of my business?
> Answer 9 :It is your Islamic duty to inform them, so they can rectify their situation, otherwise all the children from that relationship will be born outside an Islamic legal marriage.
1) Anak luar nikah tidak boleh dibinkan kepada bapa yang berzina sebelum berkahwin kerana bapa itu bukanlah bapa yang sebenar menurut syariat Islam dan bapa itu pula boleh berkahwin dengan anak perempuan hasil perbuatan zinanya. Perbuatan ini dilarang kerana ia juga boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan dari pembahagian harta pusaka setelah meninggal bapanya (anak luar nikah tidak boleh makan harta pusaka bapanya) dan masalah wali ketika berkahwin sebab bapa yang berzina sebelum kahwin ini tidak sah mewalikan kepadanya (bagi anak perempuan). Masalah sama ada boleh atau tidak anak drp benih luar nikah itu dibinkan kpd bapanya (yg dinikahkan secara sah selepas zina), adalah tertakluk kpd tempoh usia kandungan selepas dinikahkan. Sekiranya usia kandungan adalah melebihi tempoh enam (6) bulan (mengikut perkiraan kalendar Hijriah) selepas dinikahkan, maka anak yg dilahirkan itu dibinkan kpd suami ibunya yg sah itu. Sekiranya usia kandungan itu tidak sampai enam bulan Hijriah selepas akad yg sah, maka haram membinkan anak itu kpd lelaki yg menjadi suami kpd ibunya itu.
2) Anak lelaki hasil zina boleh mewalikan kepada anak-anaknya, sebab kelahirannya bukanlah atas kesalahannya, tetapi atas kesalahan bapanya dan bapanya sahaja yang menerima hukum.
3) Tanggungjawab anak luar nikah kepada ibunya adalah sama seperti anak halal. Manakala tangunggjawab kepada bapanya hanyalah sebagai penjaga atau pendidiknya sahaja (kalaulah bapa itu yang menjaganya) sebab kalau anak itu seorang perempuan dibenarkan berkahwin dengannya, di haramkan bersentuhan dan menampakkan aurat kepada bapanya apabila sudah baligh. Wallahua`lam.
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